Travis Weber
The operating levy didn't pass in 2022, but we are hopeful for better-than-usual state funding increases this year.
I've linked below the MN MSBA 2023 platform, where they are asking for a 5% increase (this year and next AKA 5+5 or "5 and 5"). Annually we've been seeing 2% lately, so 5% would be significant. Bills have also been drafted (also linked below) to fully-fund Special Education mandates, STMA is currently underfunded by over $4M annually in Special Education, resulting in the need to take that money out of our general fund to meet the needs (cross-subsidy funding).
Governor Walz' proposed budget is calling for 4% this year and 2% and is now only funding 50% of the current SPED cross-subsidy, this is significantly less than our targets.
2023 Legislative Session Funding-Related Notables
Bills to fully fund special education (cross-subsidy relief): HF18 & SF28
Property tax levy share decrease: SF100 2023 Equalization Handout
MN MSBA Legislative Platform - MSBALegislativePlatform2023.pdf
Senate Education Finance Committee
If you have any questions for me or would like me to add something more to this page please email me:
I'm also on Facebook: Travis For STMA
For school business please use my official email: